About the Village of Justice

The Village of Justice is a family, business, and community friendly suburb located in southwest Cook County, Illinois. The Village grew along the route Archer Avenue, which began as an Indian trail and is one of the oldest roads in Cook County and remains a key regional arterial roadway connecting Chicago to multiple surrounding communities. The Illinois & Michigan (I&M) Canal forms the Village's northwest border and the community is divided into east and west sections by the Tri-State Tollway. Justice began as a bedroom community with few business establishments. However, Justice is a growing community.
The current population is approximately 13,001 - a growth of 6.63% since the year 2000. There are approximately 4,362 households with a median household income of $52,203. Senior citizens age 65 and older comprise approximately 7.14% (928) of the total population. Children and young adults under the age of 19 make up 29.79% (3,873) of the population.
The Village of Justice is home to over 250 small businesses that include grocery, food service, restaurants and taverns, hair stylists, dry cleaners, florists, gas stations with mini marts, churches, cemeteries, a funeral home, monument companies, health care facilities, laundromats, tattoo parlors, vehicle repair establishments, construction trades, and general service business establishments. Although there are no major industries in the Village we have several truck repair shops and body shops in our industrial park.
Moments in History
The Village of Justice, incorporated on October 17, 1911, got its name from an argument. A meeting was held that day to choose a name for the new village. A heated argument broke out with everyone shouting out their choices. A man in the audience finally had enough and banged his fist on the table and shouted, “Let there be justice!” And so there was and is Justice in Illinois.
The mausoleum in Resurrection Cemetery is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the largest installation of stained glass in the world. Over 22,000 sq. ft. of stained glass were used to create the windows, which wrap around all four sides of the building. Resurrection Cemetery is also home to Justice’s famous Resurrection Mary ghost.
The war memorial on the southeast corner of Commissioner’s Park was originally located on a tiny plot of land at the northeast corner of Oak Grove Avenue and Frontage Road. It was dedicated on October 9, 1971 and became a familiar sight to anyone entering the north end of Justice. The memorial was moved to Commissioner’s Park in 2008, so that it could be expanded and to allow easier access for those wishing to pay their respects. In 2016, it was expanded even more with additions to honor our first responders, as well as veterans, and is now quite an impressive sight.
The Justice Public Library District’s first home was a little yellow house on the corner of 76th Place and Oak Grove Avenue. The library was founded in 1978 and, during its tenure in the house, its books were to be found everywhere from the bathroom to the kitchen to the garage. In 1994, the new library building was built on the same lot, where it remains today.
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